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Coming soon to Campaign Enterprise is the addition of sending mass SMS Messages. SMS message campaigns are setup the same way as email campaigns using your own databases in real-time or out built-in databases. Messages can be personalized with merge fields from your databases with names, numbers and other data. Campaign Enterprise will currently support sending out SMS messages via Twilio and Amazon SNS. Here are some of the features:

  1. Send SMS Messages using your own database contact lists without sending it out

  2. Messages can be personalized with merge fields from your database

  3. The unsubscribe (STOP) functionality is built into Campaign Enterprise. Just open a port for the SMS sending provider to report back the unsubscribes

  4. Messages returned by the recipient can be send back to you database, analyzed, and reported on

  5. Schedule SMS message campaigns to be sent out at a specific date and time

  6. Create an SMS message campaign that monitors a database on an interval and sends out SMS messages when triggered

Here are some of the uses of the Campaign Enterprise SMS message functionality:

  1. Two-Form authentication

  2. Critical reminders to customers/clients

  3. Mass alert systems for schools school campuses, large facilities

  4. Employe notifications of events or appointments

  5. Surveys

Sending SMS messages will be just like sending email messages so there is very little learn curve. The only requirement is having a SMS sending account with one of the currently supported providers. Test accounts can be setup with these providers that will just text one number. After the system in proven you applied with the SMS sending provider for a full account.

The SMS Message system will be available starting the 3rd quarter of 2024. If you would like to try the functionality early please email

Writer's pictureArial Software Technical

Updated: Feb 4

If you are in an industry that needs to send large amounts of email but cannot give up your contact lists to outside services the only recourse you have is to either write your own user-friendly software in-house and maintain it or find a software that you can purchase and install locally on your own systems.

When mass-email sending first began the only way to do it was to write or purchase software that you installed on your computer. As time went on the "Services" started like Constant Contact and MailChimp that took that burden of running a local software but there was a cost; You had to give up your contact lists with just a promise of privacy. Also, since the Services need to keep up their reputations they limit the content you sent which does not work in many are being monitored. The email look-and-feel may also be compromised by the fact you will have to conform to the Service's structure.

Today with privacy rules and laws it is imperative you keep your contact list safe. This is crucial for industries like Medical, Education, and Government. Also, if you send over one million emails a month the Services can become cost prohibitive.

If you find that you need to make the switch over to a locally installed software to have more control than there are few options and many of them are very expensive. Some charge from $20,000 to $50,000 per year. It may also be hard to find a software that does not have some type of connection with the company producing the software, ie: you host your own information but they send the mail for you.

If you need to make a switch to a locally installed software please give Campaign Enterprise a look. Campaign Enterprise has been used by thousands of companies for over 25 years and has a proven track record of keeping in pace with the ever changing email world. Campaign Enterprise is under $2,000 a year, does not have any sending limits, and comes with U.S.-based phone and email support. Before purchasing you can setup Campaign Enterprise on your system and we will give you a trial license to use the full capability of the software. After you determine that Campaign Enterprise will work for your company you can purchase a license, apply it, and you are off and running. We are all about long-term clients and don't want you to regret a purchase.

If you have any questions on this subject please email us at

Campaign Enterprise is a scaleable enterprise-level email distribution system that runs on your own in-house computers connecting directly to your database or CRM in real-time, and using your own mail server. Visit for more information.

Writer's pictureArial Software Technical

Updated: Feb 4

Amazon SES is a great system that is low cost and can handle a lot of emails either by submitting them using SMTP or by using their API. One of the problems with SES is that if you get into any trouble with bad reports they can shut you down instantly, so it is important if you use AWS SES that you are careful about your email content and how you deal with bounces and unsubscribes.

One of the issues we run into from time to time is the fact that by default SES want to handle all of the bounces because it uses those statistics to monitor your sending activities. At one point they were not allowing anyone to change the return-path of their emails so any return-path you did would be replaced by theirs. Now, SES is allowing good senders to retain their return-path, which is critical for bounce processing, and it is described in this article below. In order to be allowed to retain your return-path AWS is requiring the user to setup all the property DNS and configuration settings so you can handle these bounces.

Campaign Enterprise constructs it's own return-path using VERPS (Variable Envelope Return Path System) so that when the email bounces that the recipient can be identified 100% and then processed appropriately. If you find that your bounce system is not recording anything in Campaign Enterprise when using the SES system send an email to yourself and look for the return-path in the email header. You will probably find it has been replaced and the bounces are actually going back to AWS instead of your system.

If you have any questions on this subject please email us at

Campaign Enterprise is a scaleable enterprise-level email distribution system that runs on your own in-house computers connecting directly to your database or CRM in real-time, and using your own mail server. Visit for more information.

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